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Happy Holiday Season to all !

After an eventful 2020, the next few days will be just as special, but FESTIVE! The #Teamballadins wishes you all a very Merry Christmas!

Noël, ensemble

It's time to party, and it's the home stretch before the start of the end-of-year festivities. Let us not forget to remain cautious, and to respect the recommended sanitary measures.

In the balladins hotels, the teams strive throughout the year to reserve good deals and exceptional offers. So the gifts of the #Teamballadins are 365 days a year, and not just a few days at the end of the year!

Remember, the best rates for your stays will always be available on www.balladins.com. Direct Reservation is important for you, but also for our hoteliers who do not have to pay commissions to the operators. But that's not all :

  • By booking on balladins.com, you can benefit at any time from a 10% reduction with the VFBL Promo Code. And up to 15% reduction with our "Early Bird" offer if you book more than 15 days before the arrival date!
  • Our partner Igraal also allows you to accumulate Cashback by booking on www.balladins.com: between 4% and 7% of the total amount of your reservation will be paid to you in cash!
  • And balladins.com, this is not only the best way to book hotels at the best prices, it is also since this year an online ticket office that shares tips for admission to the Museum, Amusement Parks, Zoos ... in France and all over the world.

 The entire balladins team and all the hotel teams throughout France, wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season !

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