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Halloween: Origins, Legends, and Traditions of a Fascinating Celebration

Did you know that this now-popular holiday has its roots in ancient traditions and mysterious legends?


Each year, at the end of October, streets fill with carved pumpkins, spooky costumes, and children knocking on doors in search of candy. Discover with balladins the fascinating history of Halloween, its Celtic origins, and the legends surrounding this thrilling night.

The Celtic Origins of Halloween
Halloween traces its origins back to the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced "Sow-in"), a celebration marking the end of the Celtic year and the beginning of winter. Over 2,000 years ago, the Celts, who lived in what is now Ireland, the UK, and northern France, believed that on the night of October 31st, the veil between the living and the dead was particularly thin, allowing spirits to return to earth.

  • Samhain: A Festival of the Dead

During Samhain, the Celts lit large bonfires to ward off evil spirits and wore costumes, often made from animal heads and skins, to protect themselves from the dead. They also left food and drink offerings to appease the spirits and prevent them from harming their crops.

  • The Influence of Christianity

With the advent of Christianity, Samhain was incorporated into Christian traditions. Pope Gregory III established November 1st as All Saints' Day, a feast in honor of all saints. The night before All Saints' Day, October 31st, became known as "All Hallows' Eve," which eventually evolved into "Halloween."

The Legends of Halloween: Jack-o'-Lantern and Wandering Souls
Many legends surround Halloween, but one of the most famous is that of Jack-o'-Lantern, a tale from Irish folklore.

  • The Legend of Jack-o'-Lantern
    According to legend, Jack was a lazy, crafty drunk who managed to trick the devil multiple times. When he died, neither heaven nor hell wanted him. The devil gave him a burning coal to light his way in eternal darkness. Jack placed this coal inside a hollowed-out turnip, becoming a wandering soul doomed to roam forever. The Irish carved turnips and beets to ward off evil spirits. When they emigrated to America, they adopted the pumpkin, which was more plentiful and easier to carve.
  • Ghosts and Spirits : Another popular belief is that the souls of the deceased return to earth on Halloween night. The scary costumes we wear today are a modern adaptation of the Celtic tradition of scaring away spirits and keeping them at bay.

Modern Halloween Traditions
Today, Halloween is a joyful and creative celebration where both young and old participate in various activities inspired by ancient traditions.


  • Trick-or-Treating : The tradition of trick-or-treating, where children dress up and go door to door to collect candy, is an evolution of the old customs of offering food to spirits. This tradition is especially popular in North America, but it's gaining popularity in Europe and elsewhere.
  • Costumes :Modern Halloween costumes range from classic ghost and witch outfits to popular pop culture characters. While the Celts dressed up to ward off spirits, today it's more about having fun and letting your imagination run wild.
  • Decorations and Pumpkins : The tradition of carving pumpkins and lighting them from the inside comes from the legend of Jack-o'-Lantern. Today, Halloween decorations go far beyond this, with houses transformed into eerie or amusing scenes, filled with cobwebs, skeletons, and dim lighting.

Stay at balladins for an unforgettable Halloween
To experience a memorable Halloween, why not explore the towns and regions of France where this celebration is enthusiastically embraced? Stay at one of the balladins hotels, where you’ll find a warm welcome and quality services to relax after a day (or night!) filled with thrills and festivities.


Halloween is much more than just a holiday of costumes and candy. It draws its roots from ancient traditions and captivating legends that continue to fascinate both young and old. Whether you're a thrill-seeker or simply looking to enjoy quality time with family, Halloween is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in a unique and festive atmosphere. Plan your stay with balladins now and dive into the enchanting world of Halloween!

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