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balladins Hotels Opening & Compliance with sanitary standards

A note from the balladins Hotels General Managementin the context of welcoming our customers and respecting sanitary conditions.

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Dear #balladinsFamily members,

We have been working for weeks on the increased implementation of new standards aimed at guaranteeing you the greatest security during your stays in our hotels, thus adding to those already in place in our establishments. Some of our hotels are still open, while others are temporarily closed. A list of closed hotels is available here

  • Health must remain a priority

The new rules won't affect nor our smiles, even sent through a window or behind a mask, neither the warmth of our virtual handshake ! We wil remain as sincere as we used to be.

As a reminder, OUR RESTAURANTS AND BARS REMAIN CLOSED until further notice.
We ADAPTED OUR BREAKFAST OFFERS, and continue to offer this service during your stays in our hotels.

The whole #Teamballadins is on the lookout to ensure:

  • To its customers a stay in the best conditions, of SECURITY and COMFORT.
  • To its employees, optimal working conditions respecting the SAFETY conditions. And also, an ATTENTIVE EAR, at all times, to provide answers to everyone's questions.

For further information, we remain at your disposal via our social networks (FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedin), our chatbot or by email Service.Clients@balladins.com.

Our Central Reservation can be reached from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on +33 (0)1 55 85 93 62

More than ever, we are #Together to face the situation. We are already looking forward to welcoming you in our hotels.


* The balladins brand being managed under the franchise model and brand license, we nevertheless leave the possibility to hotelowners to close their establishment in view of the situation and adapt the common instructions

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