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Urban planning & construction


Great deals when doing construction work!

During the time of your building and construction works, the balladins hotels welcome you and offer you a full range of advantages and services to improve and make your stay more enjoyable: hotels located everywhere in France, personalised offers (reception, accommodation and catering), specific conditions of sale, central reservation.


Our partners

Everywhere in France, our partners’ priority is you.


Avia is a partner of the balladins network, with 800 petrol stations including 60 motorway petrol stations. It is the second player in the French fuel sales sector.


More than 200 agencies of car rental in France. Present in more than 105 countries in the world. Thanks to the partnership between SIXT and balladins claim a reduction up to 10%

Couleur CE

More and more partnerships for your benefit with balladins hotels!

Coté évasion

Since 2001, the leisure specialist at reduced rates for works’ committees, organisations, social clubs, SMEs / VSEs, Marketing Management / Sales / Communication... Côté Évasion is a tourism promotion agency whose purpose is to increase the leisure purchasing power.

Atout France

Atout France is the tourism development agency of France. It is responsible for contribute to the development of the tourism sector, which is the fourth private employer in the French economy.

FFCT - Nouveau partenariat qui roule pour les hôtels balladins !

La FFCT gère la pratique du loisir et du tourisme à vélo ou à VTT. Elle propose un large éventail d’activités alliant tourisme, sport-santé et culture à l’exception de la compétition. Forte de plus de 127 000 adhérents et 3 100 clubs, elle est reconnue d’utilité publique.


Tempéos & balladins join forces to bring you even more benefits!

Fait battre ton coeur

balladins hotel group has decided to support the “Fais battre ton cœur” organisation to fight cardiac arrest


Flunch with 200 restaurants open 24/7 is a partner of our network and offers a 10% discount to all balladins clients.

Low cost Ce

Low Cost CE & balladins join forces for YOUR purchasing power

The balladins advantages


Work area

All our rooms have a work area, so you can prepare, plan and work on your projects.

Preferred representative

Listening and understanding are essential for balladins, and a unique contact person will handle the organisation of your seminars and business trips.

Tailored offers

For everything you need for reception, accommodation and catering, at the balladins hotels, we are listening to your needs.

Car park

Make your life easier! Most of the balladins hotels have a free and gated car park, so you can enjoy your business trip with serenity.

Reservation centre

Book your stay according to the terms negotiated on balladins.com with “groups” dedicated services. Answer within 48 hours.

Meeting rooms

We make available to your rooms with a capacity of 15 to 300 people, with modular spaces, depending on the hotel.

Free WI-FI

To demonstrate your responsiveness, it is sometimes necessary to be connected. Wi-Fi is offered free of charge in all the balladins hotels.

Want more information?

A preferred representative talks to you

Director of Sales & Marketing


Urban planning & construction

Pro offers